Friday, July 20, 2007

The True Behavior*

Human behavior is conditional and influenced by the environment. The way we interact with friends' relatives and children is conditional. We were taught to behave in an acceptable manner to the standards laid down by the society. If our behavior deviates from the set standards, then we are called antisocial or lunatics or something that perceivably fits our behavior.

The statements such as "this is what I am and so be it" or "I can't change, accept me as I am" or "I got these qualities by birth so can't help it" is a mere facade, to hide our reluctance to make a positive effort to change. When some friends treat us indifferently, we tend to behave in the similar fashion towards them. We also help people and expect help in return. This is where we make mistake, Don’t we!

Service and love should be without expectations. As children of god, we have every right to have expectations from God, who is our father, but doing service in anticipation of a return favor is not what we are taught by God. Our behavior takes a turn when people do not behave as we expect them to behave. We keep dwelling on their bad characters or thoughts. Do not ponder over negative traits in other, for then they will take root in you". This is a fact. When we think only of negative in people we respond to them in the similar manner, hence we are no better than those that we condemned. We are conditioning our mind and behavior to match those of the people who cause us displeasure and provoke our anger. In such situations, it is better to walk away rather than indulge in arguments and exchange of words.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Lucid - Line

Hey Readers,

Why the name “LUCID – LINE”?

Lucid which mean Transparently clear; easily understandable; "writes in a limpid style"; "lucid directions"; "a crystal clear explanation"; "a perspicuous argument".

Hope my postings and information will be Lucid!!

And in this First posting would like to thank LIFE, there are no classes in life for beginners: right away you are always asked to deal with what is most difficult.

Wish me Luck. !!
