Among countless stars, is Earth the only planet blessed with life? Is this some miracle by chance, never to be reproduced on another world?
Galileo was warned not to defend Copernican Astronomy because it went against the doctrine of the church. The Roman Catholic Church demanded that Galileo stop teaching the theory that the sun was at the center of the cosmos and everything revolved around it. The belief at that time was that the Earth was the center and the sun (and everything else) revolved around the Earth. Galileo was eventually hauled before the Catholic Inquisition and condemned to house arrest, for life. After 10 years, he died while still under house arrest. We know today of course, that Galileo was indeed (more or less) correct. Thoughout history people have been unjustly ridiculed, harassed, and even severely punished for their views and ideas that didn't seem to quite fit in with the current socially accepted beliefs. Are we arrogant to assume that man is the only intelligent life out there? We think so. Over the past 10 years, we have spent much of our time privately researching this subject, (which is sometimes a hard subject to research, when considering that most people do not feel comfortable publicly sharing their experiences).
Frank Drake (American astronomer), in the earlies, came up with an equation (called the "Drake Equation") that calculated the possibility of extraterrestrial life. He determined that there was a possibility of 100,000 to 1,000,000 extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy (the Milky Way) alone. With so many complex and huge solar systems across the galaxy, the Earth cannot be the centre of the universe. Because if it is then what is the purpose of the rest of the huge universe?
Water is the main source of life on Earth. Taking a clue from this, European scientists, using ultra cold orbiting telescopes, have discovered unimaginable volumes of water in inter-stellar space. This discovery raises questions about life elsewhere in the universe. Scientists were astounded to find water in the freezing atmosphere of Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn (and its moon Titan).
Many people believe that research on UFOs (Unidentified flying object) and aliens is not intellectually respectable and there are those who think that making myths the basis for research is unscientific and only leads to mystical speculation.
The Earth has and still undergoes anomalies, which have neither been justified by historical standards nor explained by science. The one-mile long carving of a human-like face on the surface of Mars and the presence of nearby ruins of a pyramid and city strongly suggest that at one point in time, there could have been some ties between the Earth and Mars.
The “school of thought” which believes in the existence of extraterrestrial is of the view that these wonders were built by people from some other planet who were advanced enough to have travelled to Earth and make it their station. After gauging these structures in relevance to the history of the evolution of man, it just does not seem possible that they could have been constructed by humans. It's not just the astronomical aspect alone, which supports this thought but also the aeronautical advancement influencing such developments. The best evidence in this respect can been seen at Baalbek, Lebanon, where a huge platform was constructed in ancient times with stones weighing hundreds of tons - an accomplishment very difficult to duplicate even today with all the modern technology. Mythology links this sacred site of Baalbek with the sun god Helios, who parked his chariot on this platform. There are the Nazca Lines in Peru, properly visible from the air, which also tells of a similar legend. All these structures and their similarity to the ones on Mars lead to the question whether the aeronautical technology of the gods included space travel.
Pyramids stand out in a lot of ways and have astounded scientists for ages, allowing research to focus on them. But besides, these wonders, many parts of the world are sprayed with remnants of alien or strange people. A mysterious rock carving near Navai, Uzbekistan, estimated to be 3000 years old, has images of men wearing respirators. Could the object with rays be a space rocket? Then, in the ancient cave painting in the Prince Regent Valley in Kimberleys in Australia, a figure wearing a helmet with antenna is shown - an alien? Nearly all myths and folklore are full of tales of flying objects. Even if it were all pure imagination, they would have had to get the notion from somewhere. The story behind the rise of Dalai Lama and where he got his powers from also talks of Extraterrestrial transferring their knowledge to humans.
In spite of all the research, first hand experiences and beliefs about the existence of extraterrestrial, there is one aspect that confounds me. Why is it that the people in the subcontinent mostly encounter jinns, the presence of which is verified in the Holy Quran, and those living in the West mostly encounter aliens and their ships. There have been media reports suggesting that various governments, with the USA topping the list, have been trying to hide and cover up the presence of extraterrestrial from the public. It will probably take some more time and more public reception and participation to determine the truth. If there are extraterrestrial, then we have already lost a lot of time by not accepting their presence. There's truth waiting to be discovered outside the circle of our compact lives. If only we would open up to the possibility that we might not be alone in this huge universe.
The next big discovery in science will be the proof that alien life exists - and it could come any day now...